Monday, March 13, 2023

Late posting

 This is just for you, Kimberly!

I really feel sorry for the few scared, confused, and brainwashed souls that are still clinging to their false security or virtue signaling of wearing face masks.  This should have been put to rest a long time ago, but they probably watch mainstream news and have bought into the lie that has been perpetuated since late 2019, early 2020.

I shake my head every time I see one of these people.  People, who no doubt, trust the science.  The same science that says a baby in the womb is not a person, or that a man can be a woman, or that we are headed to cataclysmic climate change. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

You should be scared of our government

If this does not frighten you, it should.  It's only a matter of time before they silence me, you and anyone else who doesn't follow the narrative.


 As I pull out of the parking lot where I have picked up our lunch, I am struck by the number of people still "masking".  Most are older folks and I suppose I can somewhat understand; they were sold a lie and they are scared.  The others though, young....I guess they are virtue signaling?  Masks are useless.  Go back to my post from March 2021 and read the linked article.  They knew it then.

I am equally amazed at the people who have not been keeping up with news about coverups and misleading information from Phizer, CDC, HHS, etc.  Are there really people in this world that still watch main stream media and never question or seek out information from other sources?  These same people took the "vaccine" and many have had Covid several times over and yet they don't question, "was this safe?  what did the studies show?  why are so many people who have been "vaccinated" dying?".

I was suppose to keep this happy, light.  It's so hard with everything going on.  Russia has been demonized for protecting it's assets and defending herself.  Yes, I am siding with Russia.  Merely for the fact that everyone who pushed covid restrictions, masks, vaccines, a stolen election, January 6th and that men can identify as women (and vice versa) support Ukraine.  They are all liars and only know how to lie so I am siding with Russia.  Zalinsky is a puppet.

Gas will be going to $5-$6 dollars a gallon now that crude is at $130/barrel and we have a weak imposter in the white house who would rather beg other nations for their oil instead of tapping into our reserves.  Drill Baby Drill!!!!! House prices are astronomical; that bubble will burst any day now.  Food prices have increased dramatically.  We are headed towards a recession; possibly a depression.  How's that election working for you now?  Did you vote for Biden (I suspect not, because liberal progressives wouldn't be reading my blog)?  Did you vote for Trump?  Do you feel cheated, ripped off?  Yeah, me too.

My yorkie died last November.  That's him at the top of the blog.  His name was Sparky but I called him so many other names like Sparkle, Sparkums, Spark man, Spark arrester, Little man, Good Boy.  I miss him terribly.  He was so small and such a cuddler.  He lived to be held.  He hated baths or anything related to grooming.  He thought he was a BIG dog.  I loved you, Sparky.

Still knitting.  Finished the socks and Hubbers loves them.  Still working on the wedding shawl.  Have had a few set backs but forging ahead anyway. 

Have been taking online ballet classes for three years now.  I am seeing alot of progress in my flexibility and coordination.  Will continue for the foreseeable future, Lord willing.

Friday, June 18, 2021

 Entertainment Industry and America

     Every few months we get to hear about some Hollywood elite slam America and how bad it is.  Here are some of the latest:

These people, along with Madonna and Alyssa Milano, really need to live somewhere else.  They don't appreciate what they have and certainly don't understand about the Republic of The United States of America.  Cher gets sick to her stomach?  She has no idea.  Every time I read about one of these morons I want to challenge them on just how they have made their millions.  And what are they doing with their money?  Why do they think anyone wants their opinion anyway?  Just do your f****** job and shut up!

End of rant.  

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Been busy, but.......

 There are alot of things and alot of information swimming around in my head today but of utmost concern for me at this moment is the number of people being detained for the January 6th "riot".  Please make yourself informed about this situation.  This "insurrection"  was orchestrated by FBI operatives, not Trump supporters!  If you doubt that, then ask yourself these questions:

     Why haven't they (the FBI and other federal agencies) released ANY of the thousands of hours of video for the public to see?

     Why haven't they released the name of the person who shot and killed Ashli Babbett?

     Why haven't they detained any of the people that they have ALL of their personal information about such as social media sites, pictures, names and addresses and instead are seeking only persons who happened to be attending the event that day?  Clue: they were operatives.

Our government is not FOR us.  Our current government is AGAINST us.  WAKE UP!  You are under a spell.  You are asleep.  You have been hypnotized.  Trust no one.  Question everything.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Make sure to check this out...

 One of the best and most informed citizen's in our country.....

Check out all of his videos, but especially his video on "The Devil's Curicculum".  If you have young, school aged children, consider homeschooling them.  If you can't, then attend schoolboard meetings.  You owe it to your children!

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

They will continue to control you until you take back control

Stop wearing masks.  Do not get the "vaccine".  Take back your lives, people.  This is ridiculous and scary.  Much scarier than a virus that has a 99.7% survival rate.  WAKE UP!!!!!!! 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Masking is not needed

 Please refer to this link:

When your internal voice tells you that something is wrong, it usually is.  there is no good reason for people to have ever worn masks and certainly not one for them to continue wearing masks.  When everyone takes a stand and stops, this madness will stop.  It's up to you.  What will you do?

If you are still engaged with Facebook

 There are many reasons that I deleted my Facebook account.  It took me a long time to do it, too.  However, I do not miss it.  I thought I would.  I thought, "how will I keep up with everything?  The news, family, friends, world happenings?"  But you know what?  I haven't missed a thing.  I call my friends and family and we talk and I get my information by searching other outlets.  One such outlet is Gab, which is a true free speech platform.  If you've never tried it , you should.  But I digress.

If you need a reason to ditch Fakebook, here's a great one:

Folks, we are living in a world where good is bad and bad is good and evil is accepted.  How can we allow such things to exist as the sexual exploitation of children?  Start by stopping support of Fakebook.  They need to go away.  They need to cease to exist.  When conservative voices are silenced but sexual images of children are allowed - can we please just say that this is not right and needs to stop!  Ugh......