Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Welcome 2021


So, I haven't posted ANYTHING in years!  Now seems like a good time to restart.  In light of all that is going on, I will try and find things that make me immensely happy.  My motorcycle makes me happy.  I love riding with my uber hot hubster and acting like I'm a bad acre (which I am not).

I also like to knit, so I will attempt another sock pattern. 

Now for the heavy part.........

I have deleted my Facebook account and hope that some of my friends find me here.  My hope and prayer for everyone is that if you do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, that you would at least entertain the idea of a Creator who made this world, everything in it and loves you and wants you to be with Him for all eternity.  The only way to Him is through the sinless sacrifice that was made in the crucifixion of Jesus.  It's hard for some people to fathom this.  They would rather trust science or feelings or experts, but I would not lie to you.  If you have questions, comment and I will try my best to answer them.

We live in very uncertain times.  You must prepare yourself for the unknown; for the unthinkable and unplanned.  Tomorrow is not promised to anyone.

Lots of love in Christ to everyone!

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