Thursday, February 11, 2010

Baking Bread

I endeavor to do many things. I don't, however, continue to do things that I'm no good at. That's not to say that I give up easily. On the contrary, if I feel that I'm right on the edge of a breakthrough, I'll double my efforts to succeed. Bread making is NOT my gift. I've tried numerous times only to end in failure with each attempt. I've tried measuring and weighing the ingredients, testing the water temperature and I've also tried throwing caution to the wind and just using my senses to get the right "feel" to the dough to no avail. No, I am not a bread baker. Lucky for me, my husband is. Not only does he make good bread, but he seems to actually enjoy doing it. He says it's necessary to make a "mess" when you make bread. This is usually when I leave the kitchen. I return later to clean said "mess"; and to sink my teeth into a warm, crusty slice of this beautiful baked goodness. I'd say it's a win, win situation!


Kim said...

It looks so yummy!!!

Anonymous said...