Friday, February 5, 2010


Thought I'd share this VERY simple idea for a candle stand. Actually, I was going to use these display pieces for little cookies or pastries, but the candles look so sparkly and pretty, I decided they could use them for awile. They cost .49 cents for the candle stick, (that's the base) and .99 for the little glass dessert plate. I got them from Goodwill, but have seen similar in ALL the thrift shops I've been in. I glued them using Amazing Goop, but E6000 would work also. Not bad for $1.48, eh? Enjoy.
My son earned his license yesterday, whoot! whoot! The person grading him on his driving test said he was the best driver he tested all day. Matthew scored a 100%, and his Father and I couldn't be more proud. Love you, Mattie.
Got my new running shoes last night and am iching to go running. Alas, it's raining outside. Oh how I wish I had a treadmill! Maybe it'll clear up once the sun comes up, (we're early risers). I can always hope, right? Bye for now.

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